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On May 29, 2023, I was served a summon. Mercedes Benz Temecula sued me for defamation. It looks like my website started working, and they got angry at me and started a legal procedure instead of fixing the problem. They are big, and I'm not a significant guy, 78 years old, with a health issue and no money, so they think they can destroy me. This is a life-or-death situation, so I have to ask the public to help me with donations to cover legal expenses. Please go to the website; to read my story. Everything in it is accurate, and the big, abusive, arrogant, greedy, and unscrupulous crooks from MB Temecula try to destroy me. Please read my story and share it with anyone so that we can warn the public about bad guys from Mercedes Benz Temecula in Riverside County, Southern California, the United States.

Here is the link to G0FudMe:

Servicing your car can be a very stressful and costly if you deal with an dishonest and unscrupulous Mercedes Benz of Temecula, who took an advantage of a 79- years old men by tempering with Sprinter and fabricating repairs for about $10,000 in the span of one year only, 2020.

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